Domestic and International Credit cards - Issued by banks and institutions that are part of the Visa , MasterCard , Diners Club , Rupay and American Express Network.
Visa & Master Debit cards - A full list is available at the time of Check Out and prior to making a payment for the purchase.
Prepaid instruments and Payment Wallets - A full list is available at the time of Check Out and prior to making a payment for the purchase.
Net Banking payments from select banks in India. A full list is available at the time of Check Out and prior to making a payment for the purchase.
Cash on Delivery - This mode of payment is available for all the orders within India. You can easily select this option at the time of checkout.
Notes :
VISA & MASTERCARD PROCEDURE - You will be required to submit your 16-digit credit card number, card expiry date and 3-digit CVV number (Usually On The Reverse Of The Card) .
AMERICAN EXPRESS PROCEDURE - You will be required to give your 15 digit card number , card expiry date and 4 digit code that (Usually appears on the front of the card ).